Journeying & Journaling

21 Days

Lately, I have had so much and nothing at all to say. Feeling everything and nothing has been exhausting, anxiety provoking and legitimately concerning. So in order to focus my shit and get my energies in order, I'm going to try and publicly challenge myself to 21 Days of Soul Writing.  

Of all things I could do to let off some steam, Why soul writing you ask? Ive journaled and wrote poetry through some of the most difficult times of my life. No, things are not difficult in a tangible sense but I yearn to touch my soul. 

Writing has always been a private place of discovery, discomfort and reflection for me. As I've gotten older I've gotten further away from it and now here we are. Isn't it ironic that we look for parts of ourselves when things get confusing that we thought we would never need again. It's like this life shit comes with a toolbox and we fill it with shit we find useful as we go. Some of them good, others not so great. But we always come back to it. 
*Cues Cranes in the Sky*

For more info on soul writing from an expert because clearly I'm not; look into Writing Down Your Soul by Janet Conner. I checked the preview because cheap but she gives you the rundown like she created it, in true caucasian fashion. This will be fun for some of us and difficult for many of us to write and even read. You can join if you like and write your answer down in the comments.

Below will be 21 Prompts, I didn't create these I found them on the internet. I will be posting my response every evening by 10 pm for the next 21 days.

Day 1
How comfortable are you in your own skin?
When are you comfortable? When are you not comfortable?
What is the difference between when you’re comfortable and when you’re not?
What has to happen in order for you to become more comfortable?

Day 2

What qualities do you want in a romantic partner? 
What are the top ten characteristics that you look for in a romantic partner? 

Day 3
Write about your first week in college.
Day 4
Dear ____, it weighs on me that I never told you . . .

Day 5
Is there anything you feel guilty about? 
Is there anything you need to be forgiven for?
Day 6
When did you feel truly independent for the first time? 
Day 7

Things you’ve done that you previously thought you could never do?
Day 8
What thoughts do you think that are toxic?
 What is the damage of these toxic thoughts?
   What are the healthy thoughts you can think?
   What toxic words do you repeatedly use?
Day 9
Your favorite songs? Write some of the lyrics.
Day 10
What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done?
Day 11

What parts of yourself have you been unwilling to acknowledge? 
Are you willing to acknowledge them now? Why or why not?
Day 12

What would make you feel spiritually fulfilled?
Day 13

Write about your first job.
Day 14

Your top five short term goals?
Day 15

What are the top ten qualities a friend should have?
Day 16
Write about your first crush.
Day 17

What’s your secret desire?
Day 18

 What would your life look like if you had this?
  Why do you want this and not something else?
What needs to happen in order to bring this into your life?

Day 19

The biggest lie I’ve ever told is . . .
Day 20

Your top five long term goals.
Day 21
When have you felt whole?
   What does whole mean to you?
  What makes you feel whole?
Do you feel like the experience you’re currently having is leading you to wholeness or drawing you away from it? How?


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