Day 6 & Day 7: Independent Dreams

Day 6

When did you feel truly independent for the first time?

My senior year in college Les and I moved off campus into this fucking rinky dink apartment. It was all that I could afford out of pocket by myself for the summer. I didn't get a refund check until September. At that point, my mom absolutely could not afford to give me money while I was away at school. In an attempt to make my life easier in the long run and sacrifice temporarily I convinced Les to go with me into this shack. I think that I didn't explain how much help I wasn't getting to Les properly but she still rolled with the punches. Anyway that summer, I worked at Best Buy 40+ hours a week and barely made ends meet. I lived off of Burger King rodeo burgers and discounted candy from Best Buy. Safe to say that the summer  was terrible and I also went on a break w my long time boyfriend at the time. I was exhausted constantly but happy, alone and on my own. When school started things got a bit easier. My refund check came, I worked on campus, I did hair, I humbled myself and forwarded my bills to my mom every once and in a while. That summer solidified for me that I am bigger than any circumstance. Shit was really cool. 

Day 7

Things you’ve done that you previously thought you could never do?

I don't limit myself but i am aware that some things are going to be difficult as hell or near impossible for me, and that changes over time. In terms of basic success and life i feel like i've recently done some things that i didn't think to dream of as a child. A week after i obtained my Masters degree i went to Mexico and zip lined and Atv'd through the fucking Mexican rain forest. That same day I floated in a Cenote, a natural spring in the middle of this same rain forest, and looked at the sky as dragon flies danced above the water. Like wtf. This is My life? I felt so damn grateful and at peace. A poor, little, sensitive black girl from a single parent home was in Mexico, kickin it in the rainforest, a week after she got her Masters 😳. It still feels surreal. I chase that feeling and those moments when my life gets bigger than my dreams and i have to ask myself wow this is MY LIFE?! They make me want to work harder.

21 Days of Soul Writing... 21 Days to make a habit. Same time, same place. See you tomorrow! 


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