Day 8 : Toxic Thoughts

Day 8

What thoughts do you think that are toxic?

Regret is the one thing that I seem to always let get the best of me. The actually act doesn't bother me much. Its the lesson that eats me up and chews me out. I find that my most toxic thoughts have to do with me some how knowing the outcome of things, being disappointed in myself for no reason at all. This craving for control causes me to beat myself up constantly. 

What is the damage of these toxic thoughts?

I Think that I am so comfortable being disappointed in myself because it is impossible to control and know everything. This disappointment leads to dark places. There are not many things that can make me more sad than getting stuck in my own head. The toxicity I sometimes feel inside starts to leak into all the things I do and say until it seems like I have my own damn cloud following me. The only way I ever know that I am under cloud is when I start to miss the sun by then I've probably already isolated myself and slept for weeks. Its scary.  

What are the healthy thoughts you can think?

REFOCUSING. Lessons learned and experiences are looked at as positive things, instead of looking at them as a lack of control. I look at most things as an experience that had to happen to mold me in to the women I am going to be. Also, when things get dark I try to remind myself that without it I would not be able to feel light. Perspective is everything.

What toxic words do you repeatedly use?

I am now replacing 'should' and 'wish' with 'can', 'will' and 'eventually'.  

This was so hard to write. I may seem vague and ambiguous. That is purposeful. This is an area of major healing and growth for me that i work on every single day.

In better news the blog has reached over 1000 views.I appreciate you. I hope you all find peace and love while witnessing my journey. 

21 Days of Soul Writing... 21 Days to make a habit. Same time, same place. See you tomorrow! 


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