Day 5: Guilt

Day 5

Is there anything you feel guilty about?

Is there anything you need to be forgiven for?

I am so selfish these days. I am selfish with my time, my energy, my emotions, my money, my love. Everyone tells me its okay because i am in my twenties but it feels shitty. Im happy and growing and investing all of these things into myself but i am so terrified that my selfishness is going to lead me into shitty personhood. on the other hand Im at peace. I want to be present for those that I love but I also want to continue to mind my damn business. Its a double edged sword. I choose me, ultimately. I also kinda hope i never stop feeling guilty about it. I think it keeps me grounded.

I would like to be forgiven by anyone who loved me that i have taken advantage of. Before i found peace i would try and take other people's not knowing that it was something only i could create for myself. I would unknowingly go after their light and their essence by being an over all shitty person. I would be judgmental, flippant, unsatisfied and needy, and genuinely thought that others were obligated to loan me their peace. I now know that i am the keeper and creator. Thank you for being able to weather the  storm but you deserved better. Do you forgive me? 

21 Days of Soul Writing... 21 Days to make a habit. Same time, same place. See you tomorrow!  


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