Day 2 : Romantic Partner

Day 2

What qualities do you want in a romantic partner? 

Romantic partner is such a broad term. There's really levels to this shit. I do believe that I'm ready to stay low and build with the right man. Let's also be honest this answer can change next week because I don't think I'll know what I want until I find it.
I would like him to be easy to talk. I want him to be easy going to a degree but assertive enough to tell me when to shut up. I want him to be strong, physically and emotionally but not hard. I want him to be considerate and selfless but not easily manipulated. I want him to be smart but not obnoxious or condescending. I want him to be in tune with himself in all ways spiritually, sexually and emotionally. There's so many more things but that's most of the basics. And let me not front like I don't want him to be tall, dark and handsome, hung like a race horse and have a libido like a porn star. LMFAO 

What are the top ten characteristics that you look for in a romantic partner?* 

In no particular order: 

  •  Attractive (to me)
  •  Intelligent
  •  Self Aware 
  •  Financially Stable 
  •  Confident
  •  Communicative
  •  Considerate
  •  Affectionate
  •  Open Minded
  •  Ambitious 

*side note : If any of you arrogant ass men bring up this list when trying to court me I will be flattered because you read it but annoyed as hell because u will seem manipulative due to your lack of conversational skills and low self esteem. Also you can genuinely have all of these qualities/characteristics and it still be a dub. Life comes at you fast, I'll be a dope ass auntie and god mother because shit happens. 

Everything in me just wanted to go to sleep tonight instead of write, I kept thinking about how great i felt after writing day 1; So here I am. Day 2 was lit. Same time, same place tomorrow for 21 Days of Soul Writing.

I also want  you to send out all of your love, positivity and strength to one of my close friend's who's lost someone irreplaceable today. Keep in mind my friend...“What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” –Helen Keller


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