Day 3: First Week of College

Day 3

Write about your first week in college.

The experience I had at My Alma Mater SUNY University At Albany has helped shape the adult and professional I am today. LIT LIT LIT LIT, would be four words to describe my college career but especially my freshman year. In order to not incriminate my 18 year old self Ummm... this question, uhhhh... 

I moved in with my Child hood best friend and I met some great people. I am super quiet around people I don't know so, I scoped the scene as Les was her usually social self. I got to school that Thursday and didn't get a good nights sleep until about Tuesday. Events, parties, friend circles and stereotypical college shit. It literally could've been in a movie on like MTV. A more in depth look into my first week is as show below. 
There was alot of...


And "Hey Girl! Im over in Seneca 206, Come by anytime"...

And Upper Class Guys like..

And Upper Class Girls like...

And i wouldn't change a damn thing.


21 Days of Soul Writing... 21 Days to make a habit. Same time, same place. See you tomorrow!


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