Day 4: Dear______,

Day 4

    Dear Nik, 
     It weighs on me that I never told you Thank you. Ive forgotten to show thanks and appreciation for all those times that you thought that Life was throwing you too much and you still got it together and handled it anyway. God gave you strength and you learned how to wield it. No instructions, you just got shit done. It's not habit for you to take the credit or to scream from the roof top when you do something awesome. But you should. I'm sorry that you didn't celebrate all of your wins and accomplishments. I instead had you label them as doing what your supposed to do and thats not fair. You deserve all the praise and all of the celebration because you are truly the shit. Now i know how to appreciate you and i promise to never forget again.  
    With love and light, 


This is an amazing lesson in forgiveness.I think that i will keep this exercise in my book to relieve personal guilt and obligation to all the things and people we struggle with letting go. Learning to lay down some of the burdens we CHOOSE to carry has changed my life for the better. Sometimes i feel guilty but I will alway CHOOSE ME and CHOOSE HAPPY.

21 Days of Soul Writing... 21 Days to make a habit. Same time, same place. See you tomorrow! 


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