Finding my way

At 10 years old most people think by 25 they will have a career, be making lots of money and be in love. I turn 25 in 35 days and NONE OF THAT SHIT IS TRUE with the exception of ONE thing.


*puts on professional hat* I am a Social Worker. My experience and focus is on families and adolescents with severe mental illnesses including Autism and trauma including physical, sexual and substance abuse, foster care and jail etc. *snatches professional hat the fuck off*

Hunnayyyyy! Earning my Masters in Social Work has been one of the most rewarding and most difficult things I have done in my life! Mind you, I have been through some difficult shit. The school work wasn't extremely hard but there was a whole hell of a lot of it. There was NO TIME FOR ANYTHING. When stressed, which is often, I also have a shopping habit and $BILLS$ soooooo....I had to work. *Cues Work Work Work* *slow whine* *slow whine* *tic toc* *tic toc* 

SIDE BAR: You know you're Caribbean as hell when you say things twice for emphasis. Example: Dat gyal deh so nice ahn sweet sweet ahn ting. Translation: That girl is mad nice and very polite and pretty.

So I lost myself for 2 long ass years in school and work. 

But I got that degree doe! 

Now that that's done and I can start building my empire, WHERE THE FUCK DO I START?!

I have noticed that all things that are long-established, beautiful and reputable have a strong foundation aligning with what the company stands for. 

Sounds like SHE, ME, HER needs to get her shit together. So I've created a list, because I fucking love them, of all the shit I want to do for myself that will help me one day become the woman I am put on this earth to be. 

1. Maintain a Healthy Mind
2. Strive for a Healthy Body ( not just a super sexier one) 
3. Learn to love without fear
4. Live in the Moment 
5. Continue celebrating my victories - No win is too big or too small 
6. Be more Tactful 
7. Surround myself with like-minded individuals. 

We're gonna stop there because seven is God's number. I'm still tryna find my way.  Ya feel me?

What would be on your list?


  1. I love this post! I feel like at 25 you realize just how wrong you were about life lol I, too, love a good list. Mine would have to include: 1. Maintaining a healthy diet 2. Exercising regularly 3. Practicing Discipline 4. Patience and respecting the process 5. Accepting that it's okay to not know how this all ends and 6. Living life to its fullest. Can't wait to read more posts!

  2. Thank you so much Del for the support!!!

  3. I read all of this in your voice, so genuine and unapologetic lol. I feel like I actually underestimated where I would be at 25. I have all and more than I'd imagined BUT it doesn't feel how I thought it would, specifically career wise. I think my next chapter will be about defining MY HAPPINESS. Happiness is a loaded word but I think this list will help me accomplish that:

    1- become a morning person
    2- exercise
    3- figure out ways to contribute to this world outside of my 9-5
    4- find a way to give back, especially to the younger generations
    5- be a nice person (NY makes us uglyyyyyyy)
    6- utilize my professional network/resources in more productive ways
    7- love more with less conditions

    Looking forward to your next post!

  4. Thank you for your support Sandee! Happiness can seem so elusive! but it is damn sure something that we can all have.. You got this! <3


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