Enough is Enough

When's the last time you took a second and thought to yourself  "I’m really doing my thing!" without a prompt from another person? Saying this to myself at least once a day with out a reminder from someone else has truly changed the way I think about myself and my life. 

There are so many things on my spirit regarding Adequacy and Comparison. I've decided enough is enough. I am looking forward to a time in my life where I'm completely content and fulfilled. When will that  happen, I don't know but I refuse to make myself feel like shit in the process. 


Though I may not be where I want to be in a few aspects of my life, asking myself what I can be grateful for RIGHT NOW in THIS moment has been life altering! 

Forward thinking is an amazing skill but I have learned that by living solely for the future I have lost many moments in the present by dwelling on what needs to be done. I have to practice gratitude at all times or else I would be miserable and comparative, reinforcing my own false feelings of Inadequacy. When in reality.. 

I have also made it a point on my quietest days to be specific in choosing what my favorite part of those 24 hours were;I have decided no win is too small to be celebrated. From getting awards to simply trying a new face moisturizer. Celebrate all that shit. This has helped me on my worst, most emotionally drained days to snap out of it. 

As a teen there were many self-inflicted pressures to be perfect. In times where I was hard on myself or wallowing in self-pity the most memorable encouragement I would get was from my big brother, who isn't a man of many words most days.  

He didn’t know he was teaching me a lesson in gratitude then, but in reflection it truly is. I would rant about some shit that was bothering me, catastrophizing like most people do and he would say with exactly this expression.. 

 “Yea that must really suck balls but think about it at least you’re not on fire." LMFAOOO WTF! I know, its not the most sensitive or validating advice but it worked.

But No seriously. He's absolutely right. It’s not that bad. And even if it is shit can always be worse.

If I’m busy being grateful for what I do have and what I am going to do, when do I have time to peek at my neighbor's grass. 

"Comparison is the thief of joy."

Don't compare yourself to Beyonce when you're really a bomb ass Kelly Rowland. 

Know your lane and Rejoice in it. 


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