
Showing posts from July, 2016

I was born again on Wednesday...Sorta

Birthdays have always been weird for me.  In the way that most people view New Year's Eve. I look at the blessing of the opportunity to enter another year of life as a time of transformation. Born again to fulfill my destiny. The days before a birthday are usually filled with many questions. I scrutinize my life and look at all that I didn't do with the year my God granted me. This usually leaves me feeling shitty, negative and lacking gratefulness.  I've even felt like there wasn't much for me to celebrate.Thankfully, my friends and family never let me wallow in self pity.  This year there was no darkness and  I feel different. I feel like I've been gifted with another year to be trill as fuck. I'm in perpetual motion .  All of my goals are in progress and the closer I get to them the goals are continuously changing. This seems like it should feel frustrating but it's not. I feel lost, found and happily wander


I been gone for a minute but now I'm back with the jump off... Spread Love that's what a real MOB do! Keep it gangsta look out for ya people!  But no really, I haven't posted in a long ass time. There has been a lot that's happened. & as a result I have had to take a moment, Surround myself with love and create a concise plan of attack on how I am really really going to take care of my body and spirit amidst this life shit.  One of my mother's VERY close friend passed recently. & bearing witness to this amazing woman's life at a distance really put my own mortality into perspective. In the end, we are only as much and as little as the Love we gave to those left on this earth. Ms. Antoinette gave herself to her loved ones relentlessly. That takes a certain kind of bravery to do but also extreme levels of sacrifice. This woman was amazing! God called her home and so she went. Thinking on the wonderful Brown women in my life that