
Showing posts from June, 2016

Enough is Enough

When's the last time you took a second and thought to yourself  "I’m really doing my thing!" without a prompt from another person? Saying this to myself at least once a day with out a reminder from someone else has truly changed the way I think about myself and my life.  There are   so many things   on my spirit regarding   Adequacy   and   Comparison. I've decided enough is enough. I am looking forward to a time in my life where I'm completely content and fulfilled. When will that  happen, I don't know but I refuse to make myself feel like shit in the process.  Gratitude Though I may not be where I want to be in a few aspects of my life, asking myself what I can be grateful for   RIGHT NOW   in THIS moment has been life altering!  Forward thinking is an amazing skill but I have learned that by living solely for the future I have lost many moments in the present by dwelling on what needs to be done. I have to practice gratitude at all times

Finding my way

At 10 years old most people think by 25 they will have a career, be making lots of money and be in love. I turn 25 in 35 days and NONE OF THAT SHIT IS TRUE with the exception of ONE thing. I LOVE MY JOB. *puts on professional hat* I am a Social Worker. My experience and focus is on families and adolescents with severe mental illnesses including Autism and trauma including physical, sexual and substance abuse, foster care and jail etc. *snatches professional hat the fuck off* Hunnayyyyy!  Earning my Masters in Social Work has been one of the most rewarding and most difficult things I have done in my life! Mind you, I have been through some difficult shit. The school work wasn't extremely hard but there was a whole hell of a lot of it. There was NO TIME FOR ANYTHING . When stressed, which is often, I also have a shopping habi t and $BILLS$ soooooo.... I had to work . *Cues Work Work Work* *slow whine* *slow whine* *tic toc* *tic toc*  SIDE BAR: You know you&


This is going to be a way for me to practice vulnerability and self expression in a way that I haven't been brave enough to do. UNTIL NOW. This Blog will be about a lot of shit because that's what life is comprised of. I will try my hardest to share all the good, the bad and the ugly unapologetically. Feel free with me. Be brave with me. Be inspired by me. Be You.  Welcome