
Showing posts from August, 2016

Material Girl

I have been struggling with Materialism lately.   The more accomplishments I acquire the more stuff I need and the more stuff I want.I think that it relates more to me being able to have something tangible to show for my hard work. But let’s be real you can Achieve a whole hell of a lot of things, and acquire a whole lot more and still be a shitty person.  I have been on this quest for new experiences. This has turned me into a poor wanderlust and a bit of an escapist...Which I think is better than being a hoarder. If I’m going to be broke, I’m damn sure going to make some memories and try my hardest to not be shitty in the process.  For a short time, I told myself that I would try something new once a month for every month that I could afford it and somehow it got away from me and I've been shopping instead. I LOVE to shop but I have to make sure my soul is full too, Not just my closet.  This journey is for me and can only be done by me. It doesn't fe